So I am trying to do the whole face book thing. I tried to post my status this morning and was told it was too long to post- apparently I am long winded. I just couldn't make up my mind on which pointless, meaningless blurb to post about myself. There is a lot going on in my life I couldn't get it to fit into 2 or 3 sentences! I love the freedom of blogging.
I can type as long as I want.
Why do we have to facebook?
And I must add I feel a bit held back by the fact that my 15 year old son has my comments appear on his wall. I have to watch what I post! Aww blogspot I love you!
I will say face book doesn't put as much pressure on you to say something meaningful or entertaining. I can update with "folding laundry" and that is completely acceptable --yet so lame!!! Sorry to anyone who has updated with "folding laundry" but it had to be said!
And you do feel a certain pressure to change up your play list and background but face book doesn't even allow ANY type of individuality on their site they are all blandly the same. So sad. Too bad there isn't a happy medium.
Oh well I am off to update my background and make a new playlist.
10 Ways to Find My Happiness Again
9 years ago
I love that you're back to blogging... I feel like I can at least keep up with you and your life a bit better since we live far away (but not super far). I also love reading your blogs too... :) Maybe it's cuz I'm a long-winded person myself & love the details. Hee hee! Love you!
yay! you are back! maybe... hmmmm...
I'd say I like blogspot better, which I update on a regular basis; I rarely change my facebook status.
yeah I guess I wasn't back that much! I have been doing the facebook thing but even then the month of December was crazy town. yay life!
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