Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So I am feeling very introspective as my blog title suggests yet can never find the time to compose a blog! Maybe it is my subconscious trying to block me. I do feel like I need to blog something new. Need to look at something else when I check my blog.

Life is life

But at least, in all the stressful craziness, I often have moments of peace, where I just know everything will be okay.
(I do mean literally moments like for half a second as I run around crazy with my head chopped off)

The main reason I had to blog is it was time to change my music and I wanted to tell you about my song choices.

I have heard the "Lucky" song as I have stopped by other people's blogs and totally love the song. (does that make me a lame copy cat girl? whatever) I really love the song the harmony, the lyrics -all of it.

The flightless bird is from the Twilight soundtrack of course
(if you didn't know that you must have been living in a cave for the last year)
I instantly fell in love with this song and its quirky, intriguing lyrics but I really liked it when I made my husband listen to it and he kind of liked it too.
You need some background here my husband and I have very extremely different music tastes. Not to say that sometimes I like his music -I am fairly versatile - but he RARELY likes anything I like so that was a major plus for this already awesome song.

Now for the last song -very weird choice I agree. Background needed once again- and related to my husband again. This is the first song my husband and I danced to. It was at a LDS singles dance in the early 90's (1991 ?! I think that is right ouch oldness) and as we danced he actually softly sang some of the lyrics of this song to me.
(as in Super sweet 'Enchanted' scene) which now I must find a link to. this is the one he actually sings to her. this one is the one in the park it is just so good but also he mentions that he doesn't sing -but then when he realizes he loves her he does sing.
If you haven't seen this movie you need to come to my house right now and watch it. I have it on dvr -It was one thing I could squeeze on there with all my SYTYCD episodes!

So of course I get all mushy, I'm not sure why I suddenly went all chickifide on you like that sorry. I guess just being ultra stressed makes me lean on my sweet husband more, which in turn makes me appreciate him more which apparently equals mush.

So that is the explanation for my new, kind of quirky play list. The song list is short because so is my time!

Hope this is all semi coherent.

1 comment:

Deb said...

I just found your blog and thought I'd say Hi!