Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's the time to disco...

This is what I woke up with stuck in my head.

You have to click on this link and laugh.


My neighbor/friend came over yesterday and she introduced me to

LOVED IT! So funny- so quirky -so silly - so much tissue needed at the end end of the movie.
The above clip apparently is what people from India think we here in America dance like. lol The music from the movie was great -so much fun. The only problem is that none of the songs are in English so you can't really sing along-except for a few lines like "It's the time to disco!". The music make you want to dance.

Here is a clip of what they dance like over in India.


I'm doing some cool moves right now in my den as I type this!

You know you want to join in!

Have fun!

Thanks Johanna :)

P.S. In case you are interested the name of the movie was
Kal Ho Na Ho
and you have to watch it with subtitles.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Not soon enough

May is too far away!!!

Too soon?

Not if your hard core!!!


Okay there might be some of you out there who don't know that I have a addiction.

It is a sytycd addiction.
('So You Think You Can Dance' for those people who don't know)

It might be at a problem level because when we moved here to Maricopa the
Dish installer guy was like
'hey do you want me to up grade your receiver, it won't cost you anything?'
I replied 'uh...Will I be able to still watch the things I have DVR'd?'
Dish guy says 'uh...no'
I said 'no way I am losing season 3 and season 4 of So you think you can dance, sorry no upgrade for me'
Dish guy kind of looks at me weird and points out that I will have like twice as many recording hours if I upgrade. I try to not have blood shoot out of my eyesockets...
Erase so you think you can dance ?!?
banish Neal to nothingness?
Delete adorable Chelsea Hightower?
Never to witness the grace and beauty of Danny's amazing spins again?!?

It was hard for me to not throw the man out of my house.
When SYTYCD becomes available on DVD for purchase (legally)
I will delete my episodes and maybe even upgrade.

That is of course after I figure out a way to make a hard copy of

"Pirates of Penzance"
If you know this movie I totally think you are cool
if you like this movie and can join me in singing "Poor wandering one"
I automatically adore you and want you to be my new best friend.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Who knew I could bowl?!?

110 seriously awesome! Okay I am it wasn't real. We had the BUMPERS on! They were on because the first round, while we (Jen, Cheryl and me) were eating at Ikea (who knew that Lindon berries were so good?) Kari was there with her kids and hubby so they had them up for Zane.
But it felt good to do good anyway (in a lame sort of way)

So here is the story.
I am so sorry for NO PICTURES. It would have been a bunch of horrible butt action shots anyway and does anyone really want to see that? I mean have you seen how big my butt is? We decided that it was my giant butt that made me win something about counter balancing the ball.

So I got a GNO for bowling invite
on the busiest day of my life.

Parent teacher conference
dentist drop off boys ( I have never dropped a kid off at the dentist before and left but we couldn't miss Cheer try outs!! and its not like the boys (13 and 15) needed me to sit in the waiting room while they got their teeth clean)
cheer tryouts (Emma is so good I am pretty sure she made it. she is so cute!)
pick up boys from dentist
Violin lessons drop off (these we wound up ditching because Adam had missed half of it because of the dentist appt.)
Violin lessons pick up
mutual drop off (Thanks to Bro. Dennison who when asking to borrow the wii probably got more than he bargained for- I asked him to pick up and drop off the boys + Hannah who was meeting with the Bee hives last night because she will be in Mutual later-this concept makes my head fall off...when did my baby girl grow up?! but that is another blog)
mutual pick up

All of the above after 2 pm.
Just a little crazy!!!

Anyhow so needless to say when I got the evite from Kari Reed I did not think I would be attending. (side note in my lameness I did not respond 'no' to the evite and for this I accept the title of lame but since I went anyway please do not TP my house)
But then I ran into Jen Mix in all that craziness and she was like
"What no bowling!?!"

Now here is the story.

I really like bowling I think it is hilarious. Mainly because of my most awesome bestest friend Amber Rose who made the rule you must cheer no matter what you get.
Gutter ball.. only one pin..must cheer.
Just to keep it fun, cuz everybody sucks at bowling (unless you've got the bumpers on!)

Well we used that approach last night but mixed it up a bit with you must dance after your first 'roll' so that your second one will be good. It was awesome.

What is funner than doing
the running man in bowling shoes?!?
I got the idea from Jen when she was trying to 'work on' her technique and did a 'run run leap' approach and did awesome! It totally worked!

It's all in the dance.
Another sidenote
Speaking of dance...So we keep talking that we all want to go dancing
but where can we go that isn't totally trampy but still fun?

ideas anyone?

Anyone want to join us?

It's gonna be super super silly!
(and yes I will do the running man on request.)

(no silly not at church only when we are dancing---or bowling)

(and yes I acknowledge their is a big time over usage of parenthesis in this post)

(and ps I heart spell checking)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ugly update!

My mom let me borrow her camera cable to down load my pictures! Thanks mom! So here are some of my shots.

The hunt for the ugly dress begins.

Actually this was the third store that I had been to!

Who knew it would be so hard to find an ugly dress!

I think the blue one with the thigh ruffles is pretty bad! I wish now that I would have gotten that one then Jen and I would have had semi-matching dresses!! That red one hanging on the door was the thickest polyester ever made to bad it was too small. I actually had a ton of fun the Monday before shopping with Jen Mix and my sil Emily. We laughed A LOT. People just looked at us. We explained our party to a few people that were looking at us funny as we wailed
"that one is hideous you must buy it!" I loved the dress Jen got. I really wanted something that bordered on clown-like. I decided the yellow polka-dot dress actually was actually TO clown like (can't you just see me with a bad wig and a red spongy nose?)
But alas anything that was exactly what I wanted would not fit over my giant butt.
Bummer (literally!)

So I went for the 'flashy' category with the all sequence top (which my mom and sister both loved and my sister wants now that the party is over so she can wear it. Where would you wear an all sequence top?!?) Seriously shiny and a little bit scratchy too. My favorite part of preparing for the party after dress shopping was making the bouquet. I bought some flowers when we dress shopping only to remember when I got home I already owned some! That made for lots of lovely peach, yellow and orange floral arrangements. The funny thing is I patterned it after my own 1993 bouquet with the giant flower "tail". All that was lacking was the spiral curled ribbons hanging off of it. Playing toss the bouquet was too funny and some people are apparently pro's at it. Diana won the night by catching it twice while being mega prego!
Here is the fanTASTical Wedding cake that Chelsea Jenkins made. I think she did a lovely job. We spent quite some time getting that frosting the perfect shade of peach. Perfection!
I just love the paper towel 'napkins', just the right touch. In case you missed it in my previous blog the theme was Bad wedding (circa 1984). Some of the girls did not come wearing a truly ugly dress, but that is okay we love them anyway. We made Yovanie put on the wedding dress I got for $10 at a 2nd hand store. It kind of smell like old storage unit sorry Yovanie! You are such a good sport.

I think over all it was a super fun night and that everyone had fun. Thirteen girls came (my sil and Jeanette Masters came late and missed being in the group shot) so that was a pretty great turn out. It was fantastic to get to know some more of the girls in the ward and to just make new friends. Thanks to everyone that came and supported my slightly insane side.

A very special thanks to my super friend Jen Mix for being willing to do whatever my twisted mind came up with. She is seriously awesome! (this shade of blue almost matches her lovely gown!)

Yay for tacky fun!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Silly Fun

Sometimes ya just got to be silly.

I have determined this to be very important

hence the Ugly Dress Party. It is a party which you are required to where a horrible dress, you know the kind that you might be forced to wear at a wedding as a bridesmaid, the idea is based of the movie "27 dresses".

It was way fun and just too silly.

I am ultra sad that I can not locate my cable for my camera or get my sd card reader on my computer to work so that I may show you the evidence of the silliness that was had by all

but here is a link from a super fun gal that was there that night.


I will still work on figuring out a way to get my pictures up.

It started on Monday when we began the search for the ugliest dresses at second hand stores (the stories there could be a blog unto themselves!!) My cool friend Jen Mix and I hosted the party and plotted the wacky fun. Chelsea Jenkins made a fanTABulous ugly wedding cake to go with the theme of Ugly Wedding. We had plenty of peach and orange fake flowers and some hideous gold bows to top it off. We even gave horrible tacky "wedding gifts" as prizes. We did have a fashion show and voting for the worst dresses. It was hilarious! It was so hard to pick the "winners"!

The game I think everyone enjoyed the most was the "toss the hideous bouquet". Lots of laughing. I think the best part of the night though, was just laughing and chatting with awesome women. Jen offered up her house for the awful display of ugliness because she had a projector so we could watch the movie in style. It was so much fun there was a total of 13 gals including me and Jen. It was a great turn out and just too much fun. It is so nice to just get to know people and hang out.

I love how no matter how different your life might be
women are so much the same
we all need friends
and a good laugh.
Yay for new friendships!
So sad for the people who couldn't make it :(
And if for some reason you did not get an evite just leave a post and we will make sure you are on the list next time.

Oh yes there will be more silly fun in the near future.